Melhorn Manor & Farm
Our Farm
Raising animals off the land since 2019

Our dream of owning a small farm became reality in 2019. We have added chickens, goats, and Berkshire hogs to our livestock offerings in the past few years. Each day is an adventure, a gift, hard work, and a chance to share the joy our animals bring us.
We strive to raise our animals the way God intended, off the land. Our chickens, goats, and hogs are all pastured with supplementation of non-GMO feed when needed.
We are thankful for the opportunity to raise these animals, teach our children the value of hard work, and meet a host of wonderful people along the way.

Farm Guards

Our first livestock guardian dog, Duff excels at protecting our animals from harm while being a gentle giant towards our animals and family. We regularly brag that Duffy is worth his weight in gold because he has prevented predatory loss of our animals year after year.

Mellencamp adopted our farm as his home. He ran off our original barn cats, and then proceeded to reinvent the meaning of a barn cat. Our sweet, needy, and handsome boy does not see the need to hunt because he knows his bowl will never go empty.

Josephine is the newest addition to Melhorn Manor & Farm. This darling lady is quickly learning how to become a livestock guardian from her big brother, Duff. She is eager to please her people, gentle with our animals, and an absolute joy to watch!